My host, Neil, acknowledged another trip around the sun last week so hostess Anne and I treated him to a proper birthday dinner celebration. (Actually, Anne did the treating and I was invited to join in!)
Had a pleasant drive around the cove to an established winery called Tom’s Cap. Beautifully appointed, super interesting restaurant garden and very welcoming. We started with a sampler plate and extra dipping bread that was just perfect. Between the three of us for the main course, we had duck, chicken and salmon with all sorts of strange and exotic extras/seasonings topped with a lovely bottle of the winery’s Three Dogs Chardonnay.
Dessert was another sampler plate … along with the smallest birthday brownie with candle and two side bites. Anne and I lustily sang happy birthday to the amusement of the other customers – Neil was a good soul about it! A little bit later another table also had a birthday celebration but seemed hesitant to sing, so Anne and I got them going and joined along.
The return drive was a bit more quite but still quite enjoyable and we spent the rest of the day happily digesting! The only unusual animal siting came earlier in the morning with a view of a wallaby eating close by.