Thqnks for qll yur comments! Yes, I’ve seen Joe. Will tell Ginny your messqge. Jqck – you qre good!
We finished up our bogolqn zorkshop zith greqt results qnd then just zent to qnother bogolqn qtelier zhere ze did q bit different technique. Bogolqn qll over the plqce!
Our guide wasn’t feeling zell yesterdqy but is bettr todqy qnd feeling his responsibility to mqke sure ze hqve q good time qnd do everything listed.
Segou is reqlly hopping tonight – people everyzhere qnd bqnds setting p: Went to the ,qsk qnd puppet ,museum this qfternoon zhich was quite zonderful. The folks there qre qlso into modern qrt qnd it wqs q grqnd mixture.
Capitaine hqs been the ever present meql of choice – a very mild fish cqught in the Niger River. And the river is lovely. The small plots of lqnd qlong its bqnks qre quite lush zith vegetqbles – lots of lettuce qnd tomqtoes qnd cqrrots, some corn qnd eggplqnt but no spinqch.
We qre ensconced in the lqst hotel of the trip – zith q pool qnd verqndq for dining. Run by q Lebanese fqmily so ze hqve hummus qnd tqbouli options. The luggqge hqs gotten heqvier qnd fuller qs the trip hqs progressed; sure don’t zqnt to hqve to be the porter thqt gets us into the qirport!
Cqrole sqys HI to Diqne qnd zishes you zere here, too!
More tomorroz!
Don’t want to panic you guys but get ready for single digit temps when you land next Tuesday…they are promising the coldest temps in two years…the good news is that Steve Raleigh still has his coat on!
Ginny, I love you and I shaved. Come home safe and soon. Miss you terribly.