New News!

In the midst of plowing through over 2000 digital pictures from Mali (of which I saved only 1343), we had a grand new arrival today: Jack’s new Baldwin grand piano!

He had been looking for one for a couple years now and came across this beauty while I was gone. Older (1975 I think) and reconditioned, it is absolutly perfect and fills the dining room nicely. Both Jack and the piano have been making beautiful music all day. 🙂

More Mali to come!

Promises kept

In the midst of this week’s craziness, I decided that I needed to follow up on some promises I made earlier:

The audio book I just finished is Winter Prey by John Sandford. A murder mystery with below zero temps; kept me listening.

The cuff-to-cuff sleeves I am working on:cuff-to-cuff sleeves

…and the yarns I’m using:yarns for cuff-to-cuff Adding other yarns as I work is always a possibility.

Hmmmm…. there was probably more, but that’s it for now.