Made it home to the US late Sunday night – I figure about 31 hours of being in motion of some sort while wending my way to the US – and am finding it a bit harder to acclimate to the time/day changes now, having traveled eastward, than it was when I went west. More tired today than I was yesterday. Oh, well – all part of the process.
Yesterday I went through accumulated snail mail and email (had been offline for about 4 weeks). Today I picked up some artwork across town that is needed tomorrow for an exhibit I was accepted in while out of town. Laundry is just about finished. The bags are unpacked, but all items are not necessarily put away.
The trip was stupendous! The people were gracious and lovely! The food was nutritious and filling and mostly delicious – and I didn’t have to make it or clean up after it!
I’ll pull out my notes and do some updating since last I wrote. And download all my pictures, too. But first – a major nap is in order!
Glad you are home safe and sound. I’ve been wearing my lovely scarf for the past 4 days and it looks great. Thank you. I too have finished the laundry but the floor of the studio is littered with detritus including some shocking sequined garments a la Janet de Boer!!! Pop-up samples are every-where.
Have just created a website for the cane toads etc. Have a look and let me know what I need to add. Lots of love Anne