After a hard frost last week, the leaves have just dropped off the trees around us – you could almost hearing them hitting the ground. My love has been raking and mulching and mowing to abolish all sign of leaves from the grass. He has taken on the yard with a vengeance and I am quite content to let him. I guess I really should have helped, but I convinced myself that I would just be in the way.
Instead, I’ve been playing around on this blog site, trying to get my space to look just right. Still not sure of a couple things, but it will all settle down soon, I hope!
I love the woods in the fall. Besides the crunching sounds as you traipse through, the underbrush is still fairly green, showing off the bare trees quite nicely – sort of like the icing under the candles on a cake. Hmmmm, not sure where that image came from but now I’m hungry!
Speaking of which, I just received an email recipe chain letter. Boy, do I hate chain letters of all sorts! Especially emails that promise all sorts of dire things if you don’t pass them on to 10 of your friends. I am tempted, though, to follow through on this one, just for the potential good recipes. A basket friend passed along a yummy sounding brownie recipe this past week – I might send that one on. And as soon as I figure out how to post it here, I will!