I love to make soup. Especially when it is cold and there are lots of things in the refrigerator.
I had half the recipe today – it was cold. The fridge didn’t have a lot to give up, but what it did was just perfect. A package of marked down beer brats started the pot, first simmered with a couple onions and a whole leek. Celery, turnips and mushrooms from a grocery run filled it out.
I didn’t want a tomato base so the fridge scrounging commenced. A little bit of Worcestershire sauce got added, emptying the bottle. The only other bottle of potential interest – other than the two individual bottles of champagne that I’m saving for New Years – was a half filled one of a mild peanut sauce that I picked up at a home food party during the summer. Intended for dipping and marinade, it quickly bolstered the soup and gave it a nice flavor.
Even my love liked it. I always feel better when he says if he likes something before he finds out what is in it. Actually, he is pretty easy about the weird cooking that I do. One of the many reasons I love him!
While the soup was doing its thing in the crock pot, I pulled out one of my Christmas knitting projects. After today’s work on it, it should need just a couple more hours and it will be ready to felt. THEN it will be ready for wrapping.
Could have used it today for my trip to the hot tub through the crusty snow!
Well, now I know where Cindy gets her crazy cooking skills. She, too, loves to make soup. The other day she searched the pantry and fridge and made us a great very filling soup for dinner. We compared her to the rat in “Ratatouille”!!! Maybe not very nice, but very funny!