Lots of …

… irons in the fire, balls in the air, things to do!

Along with getting ready for the new Studio Collection’s Spring Sale 2015 (April 25 at Harmony Hall in Spring Grove Village), I have been prepping for the Western Wildlife Corridor’s Wildflower Show this coming Friday (tomorrow!) evening at Mt. St. Joseph University. Naturally dyed clothing and silk scarves are ready to transport.

Rack of naturally dyed clothing ready for Wildfloer Show.
Rack of naturally dyed clothing ready for Wildflower Show.

And the deadline for submitting work to the Cincinnati Book Arts Association’s annual members’ exhibit at the downtown public library is coming fast, so I’ve been working on a new book. Used the accordion fold of a hot tub filter as the pages…

Side view of the pages of the tub filter book.
Side view of the pages of the tub filter book.
Closer look at one section. Marks made with shoe polish, inks, markers, embroidery threads.
Closer look at one section. Marks made with shoe polish, inks, markers, embroidery threads.

It’s been fun to do!  Now, back to Spring Sale work…

It’s October already!

I’m finding it hard to believe how much time has elapsed since my last post here! About the only thing that remains of the summer are the bug bites that still itch.


Lots has happened including a new grandson!  Sebastian John is already two weeks old and growing!  Such a cutie, but then I’m his grandmother – I’m supposed to say things like that.


I’ve been involved for the past 6 months with a yarn bombing movement in the Cincinnati area – check out BombShells of Cincinnati to see our handiwork!  (We are also on Face Book if you want to friend us.) What was originally intended as a one project adventure now seems to be turning into a small art company!  Keep tabs on us to see what we are up to next.


More immediate is some teaching this coming weekend in NY for the Eastern Great Lakes Fiber Conference. And then on to getting some work accomplished to be ready for three – count ’em – THREE! back-to-back fiber sales in November.


Add in some local basketry and book making classes and I’ll be keeping busy for the next couple months!  Hopefully that won’t keep me away from this blog to much.  Hoping to be more consistent with my presence.


Thanks for patiently waiting.  Hope your summer went well!