I managed to make it through all last week’s activities not totally unscathed, but not in too bad of shape. Just some funny throat stuff trying to force its way in – which I am refusing.
Finished a twofer project. I wanted to support my SIL by having a quilt project to display using some technique or idea from Kaye Wood (nationally known quilter coming in to speak at the Community Quilt Connection next Sunday). I also needed to make a journal for the week 2 class in the online journal making for fiber artists class that I’m taking.
Soooo, I used Kaye’s 6-hour quilt technique and made the journal cover. The quilting isn’t too bad. Not sure a quilted cover is appropriate for the type of journal we were doing, but… it is done and posted. I didn’t even get started on it before some of the class folks were finished with their week 3 projects already! Overachievers!
Working with the Art Club kids tomorrow. We should finish up our orbs/spheres. Next week we’ll start on grids.