It’s been a whirlwind week – literally. We didn’t have the tornadoes that went through some of the southern/midwestern states, but we did have winds that were pretty fierce. Bunches of branches came down in our yard. Our neighbors lost a good-sized tree in their woods near the edge of the yard. No damage, but impressive looking. Lots of firewood!
The temps bounced from low 20s to 50s – hard to get a handle on what to expect. But I guess that is what we expect around here!
Another one of those weeks, too, that seemed like a whirlwind of activity, but hard to see much accomplishment. If ever I actually produce all that I’m thinking about, it will be astounding! There’s the long knitted coat that I want to felt just the body, the mudcloth journals to make, the gourds to play with, the holes in my handknit socks that need reknitting, the soft sculpture samples to make, the web site gallery page to create, the gut ideas that have been swirling around that need some substance, the writing that keeps getting put off till later, etc, etc, etc.
I did get around to trying the nearby sludge – it has a nice full brown color that is fairly dark after just a day on the cloth (with soda ash). I was hoping for more of a black… still is nice to have. And I did finish bottling all the anchor mud samples. Now, to find time to see what they will do.
What I also got around to do, which is so totally bizarre when I think about it, is learning to play the bass guitar. It takes a different approach than acoustic – for example, it is missing two strings that I am used to and I’ve got to think in terms of notes rather than chords. So far I’m feeling pretty confident about three (easy) songs for Sunday service – should be interesting. I won’t be planning any music tours anytime soon, I’m sure!