Basketry Techniques

1105712597 00e3e9d5b1 o Judy Dominic Fiber Artist The Fiber Art of Judy Dominic

An age-old craft, I have been known for pushing off into the deep end of established basketry. I like to see what the materials will do – and usually let them ‘do their own thing’. Most anything that is flexible enough to suit my purposes becomes material for basketry techniques. Not all of it is ‘natural’, but it is all a part of my environment.

Materials that find their way into her art work:

Honeysuckle Vine
Virginia Creeper
English Ivy
Day Lily Leaves
Raspberry Canes
White Oak Shaving Cordage[/ezcol_1quarter] [ezcol_1quarter]
Shells, Rocks, Beads
Zippers And Belts
Handmade Paper/Pulp
Snake Skins
Oxygen Tubing
Wires of all Sorts
Rattan Reed of all Shapes &  Sizes[/ezcol_1quarter] [ezcol_1quarter][/ezcol_1quarter] [ezcol_1quarter_end][/ezcol_1quarter_end]


My nontraditional basketry work has been exhibited nationally and internationally in juried and invitational exhibits; I have curated and juried national basketry and weaving exhibits.

Check out Judy’s basketry work.

Lots of …

… irons in the fire, balls in the air, things to do!

Along with getting ready for the new Studio Collection’s Spring Sale 2015 (April 25 at Harmony Hall in Spring Grove Village), I have been prepping for the Western Wildlife Corridor’s Wildflower Show this coming Friday (tomorrow!) evening at Mt. St. Joseph University. Naturally dyed clothing and silk scarves are ready to transport.

Rack of naturally dyed clothing ready for Wildfloer Show.
Rack of naturally dyed clothing ready for Wildflower Show.

And the deadline for submitting work to the Cincinnati Book Arts Association’s annual members’ exhibit at the downtown public library is coming fast, so I’ve been working on a new book. Used the accordion fold of a hot tub filter as the pages…

Side view of the pages of the tub filter book.
Side view of the pages of the tub filter book.
Closer look at one section. Marks made with shoe polish, inks, markers, embroidery threads.
Closer look at one section. Marks made with shoe polish, inks, markers, embroidery threads.

It’s been fun to do!  Now, back to Spring Sale work…

One week home…

… and my body is sorta back in this time zone. Although, after a sleepless night last night, I’m less sure.

Unpacking, laundry and putting away has happened. The pile of mail is down to just a few items that need attention. Samples for two upcoming bookmaking classes have been created. Family contacted. Hot tub turned higher and enjoyed.

And…… the tire cozy that was finished before I left in April is now installed on the back of my car! Didn’t want to put it on earlier as I really wanted my love to use the car while I was gone. He has this thing about cozies…



Homeward bound

Three months and it is time to go home. The time really went fast, was fun and exciting, saw lots of new places, met lots of new people, reconnected with lots of earlier-made friends, enjoyed many different degrees of winter in Australia. Back to hot and muggy tomorrow – can’t wait!!!

I promise to report on Wrapt In Rocky, the fiber conference held in Rockhampton, once I am back on home soil. Lots to report and pics to show. A class act!

But, I need to deal with an unexpected change of flights and extra legs of the journey, so please excuse the silence for a bit as I stumble through airports and time zones

Lovely Brisbane …

… has welcomed me again, for just a few short days this time. After a last look at Uluru and Kata Tjuta, Janet and I spent the better part of Thursday making our way from Uluru thru Sydney to Brisbane. Extra baggage was a bit interesting, but otherwise very safe and nondescript travel.

Repacking is the order of the day here! I had previously posted a box to Janet that ultimately goes home with me. And I am determined to take all I need for the Wrapt in Rocky conference in my smaller suitcase. Sooooo … everything came out of all the bags, backpack, carry-on to be reshuffled and restuffed. Quite suprised to pull out a silk scarf that travelled with me to New Zealand within its plastic sleeve that was still very wet from all the moisture there. And this was after being in desert air in Alice Springs and Uluru!

Taking time today to visit GOMA (Gallery of Modern Art) on the Southbank of city centre Brisbane to see the opening of a new exhibit. Should be good!