Some random bits and pieces of my days lately:
– My love is saving the leaves of all the daffodil plants as he trims them out – instead of throwing them away. He even asked me if I wanted them without my having to ask for them!
– Some major planning was done over the weekend regarding our upcoming family reunion. 78 people have committed to coming. The oldest is 66 and the youngest will be just a couple of months old when we all gather.
– I joined a ‘poem on hand made paper’ swap – that will make sure I do some papermaking soon! I’m thinking that I’ll use the asparagus stems that I’ve been saving in the freezer for this. Guess I better write a poem, too!
– Using pieces of interior design cloth samples for small journal covers.
– Working out some kinks in a new mudcloth method that is proving far better than anything I’ve come across so far – other than the real thing in Mali!
-Lost my voice for a few days – it is back but not very strong yet. Deep and husky but not even close to sexy. A tickle in the throat seems to be almost constant.
-Came across four variations of the bullion crochet stitch – very interesting!
-Was part of a behind-the-scenes tour of some of the textiles in the Miami University Art Museum collection – quite wonderful! They have some really stylish jackets from Poland and Hungary that I fell in love with. It was fun deducing the techniques used. And so much done by hand!!!!!!!!!
-Missed a 90th birthday party! So sorry, Millie! Hope it was a fun time!