
Either I didn’t hold my mouth right (my mom’s saying) or the moon wasn’t in the right house (it was shining brightly in MY house last night) or something. The ginger gods were against me today. Tried to bring one of those wonderful fresh babies home from the grocery today. No particular reason or plan for it, just had a ginger craving.

But, alas! the scanner couldn’t tell it was sitting there. Which meant the little guy couldn’t get weighed. Which meant that a price could not be affixed to its little body. Which meant I had to give it up and leave it behind, sitting forlornly and so out-of-place next to the cash register as I took my leave and headed home without it.


Some other time. I’ll look for a larger root next time.

In the meantime, chocolate will have to do.

Church Chili

You probably are a bit tired of hearing about Mali by now, so how about a bit of chili?!?!?

Saturday our music group from church sponsored a chili night to have a social event before Lent starts. Three of the musicians came armed and ready to make their favorite styles of chili. Cooking started at 10 am with lots of chopping and browning and dumping and stirring. After copious tasting, we set the hall and were ready by 5:30pm.

We wound up having 6 different chilies – white (chicken), Cincinnati-style, spicy/soupy with beans*, spicy/soupy without beans, mild/thick with beans*, and mild/thick without beans. All of it tasted great! The Cincinnati-style one was right on – and she didn’t use any prepackaged mixes to make it. The white chili had just a bit of a bite – I had never had a white chili before and was pleasantly surprised with how good it tasted. I don’t think any pot in particular was more a favorite than any other.

Lots of spaghetti for those that wanted plus hot-dogs to make chili coneys. And tons of grated cheese and onions and oyster crackers.

We also had people donate desserts – wow! Some really good ones!

The only negative to the evening was the weather and that it kept many folks from coming. Soooooo, we bagged up the remaining pots of chili and sold them off after church this morning. Overall, a grand success of an event.

We are already thinking that next year we may do a cook-off…

*I know. You are probably making jokes about the beans, and the fact that the musicians were cooking. The old Girl Scout jingle comes to mind (Beans, beans, the musical fruit…). Don’t go there.

Day One cont.

Well, we didn’t make it to the party. The father of the xylophone player died and they are having a funeral instead. So, change of plans.

Went to the Women and Children’s Bogolan Workshop. WOW! Good stuff! Interesting set up. They are geared towqrd production work qnd use stencils for their pqtterns. They qlso do indigo dying qnd pqpermqking. Some lovely pqpers. CB got the chqnce to sit down qt the fly shuttle loom qnd do some weaving.

Just finished q lovely lunch qt the hotel – qn aspic with vqrious vegetqbles qnd caramelized onions on top. Very interesting trying to figure out what to eqt zhen it is qll in french.

I think we will be going to a bogolqn qrtist’s studio this qfternoon.

My bqd on the roads – there is more thqn one pqved roqd in the city – not many, but more thqn one. We drove over q river or lqke – not sure which – where there were vegetqble fields on the bqnks qnd fishers in the wqter.

Sorry qbout qll the Qs – the q is where the a should be qnd I get tired of correcting it!

Off for the next qdventure.

Cooked Bandannas

In my house I do the weekday cooking and my love takes the weekend shift. We’re just talking dinner each day, so there is no real hardship for either of us.

Tonight we had broiled perch fillets, wild and plain rice and broccoli. All that was underway when my love got home from work. He took notice and then promptly got comfortable in front of the TV news with a glass of wine and some cheese and crackers.

What wasn’t so obvious was the extra microwave dish that was cooking away. In for three minutes, out to rearrange the contents, back in for another three, check for moisture content, back in for more….

Time for dinner and the broccoli and rice pots took their respective places on the table. The perch came out of the broiler. My love asked about the other dinner dish still cooking…

Poor guy goes through this all the time with various packages of pulp and guts and soy-mud in the freezer and refrigerator. Tonight I was cooking some bandannas that I had mudded last evening. Since the soy I use likes time to work well, and I am in need of having these ready for the Mali trip, I knew I could hurry the process some by heating the mudded cloth. In a large glass dish with steam droplets heavy on the inside of the clear lid, it really did look like some interesting dinner component.

His face sort of fell when he realized it wasn’t edible. I guess I’ll have to think of something really good to cook for tomorrow.


The baking bug bit! I didn’t expect to be doing much baking for the holidays this year, but…

For many Christmases I’ve made a dozen or so different cookies and kolachies (a sweet yeast roll with nuts or poppy seed filling – yum!) as well as the traditional gingerbread cookies that get decorated to the hilt. There was also a cookie exchange to get me going and in the mood. We really didn’t need to have so many cookies as the Historical Society usually blesses my love with a basketful of cookies in exchange for his taking care of the yard of the local historical building across the street from us. We would have plenty of cookies to see us through the holidays – and then some! Nothing quite beats a treat of Christmas cookies in the heat of summer. 🙂

This year they dropped the cookie exchange at church. And the Historical Society hasn’t been seen – one of their leaders died this past year and I’m thinking the cookies have been forgotten.

Well, I got to thinking of various baked good needs that were coming up: the Quilt Center wanted to celebrate the season before breaking for the holidays, our music group at church would need some sort of gift from us, and my siblings Christmas gathering would require something brought along.

Wound up making two different flourless cookies for the Quilt Center (one of the directors can’t do gluten). For the church musicians, a double batch of …. well, I hate to call it fruit cake because that conjures up too many memories of bad candied citron – whatever it was supposed to be. What I make is on the order of lots of fruit (dried cranberries, apricots, dates, raisins, mangoes, canned pineapple, applesauce) and walnuts held together with a bit of cake dough.

And for my family gathering, because I ran across the recipe while looking up the other ones, an applesauce bread that my Mom used to make. Very dense and moist and loaded with dates and nuts – and applesauce. What I remember best about the bread is the ‘hard sauce’ icing that was used on each slice. Mom wasn’t a drinker, but she always added whiskey to the icing for this particular bread. And for a kid, that was really special!

I’ve always heard about wrapping a baked product in cheesecloth soaked in some alcohol, so I thought I’d give it a try. My love had some Southern Comfort in the house, and with his blessing, I’ve got four of the breads wrapped in some pretty heady cheesecloth. They will only have a week to sit and soak in…hope that is enough time!

The only other baking yet to do will be when the boys come home. Gingerbread cookies have been a tradition with them – my love does the mixing and cutting out of the cookie shapes and the boys do the decorating. I get to be the official oven timer. Started when the oldest was two and we received a tin cookie cutter in the shape of a man’s silhouette complete with top hat. Haven’t missed a year since then. Each year the decorating gets more wild as the decorating options change. Some of the cookies wind up with more sprinkles and gumdrops than dough. If nothing else, it makes for a grand time around the kitchen with everyone having fun and being blissfully creative.

Hmmmm, I might yet do some kolachies. And maybe some pizelles. And we don’t have any Russian tea cakes, either……