It seems it was a fibery sort of day for more than just me today.
Started off with a meeting of the creativity study group at the Weavers Guild – did a color and drawing exercise with the group and signed up to lead next December’s project. From there I made a quick stop at Staples and then headed to Hancock Fabrics. I wanted to pick up some interfacing to use in the pocket book project.
While I was pondering the various thicknesses of interfacing, LD (one of the creativity group members that I had just met with) walked in! She had a felted sweater project she needed to line. We shared ideas about each other’s projects, and in the middle of that discourse, JS (a woman from church) came in! She expressed great surprise and relief that I was there, proceeded to describe her fiber dilemma (the framing of a cross stitch piece with an irregular border) and both LD and I were able to give her some advice. Her husband thought it great that all the ‘experts’ were in the store!
And then when I was literally about 10 feet from the door on my way out (after deciding that one of LD’s suggestions would work and I didn’t need any interfacing), in walked IH (another Weavers Guild member who has been out of the country lately)! LD and I both chatted her up for a bit. Can’t remember her fiber need, but she is a dollmaker – I expect that might have been her interest today.
Back home, I was able to bury a bunch of ends in the arm socks that are finished, knit a bit more on one of the pairs still needing work, and fiddle around with the pocket book pieces a bit more today. Raised the ph on some of the black mud to get it good. And munched on a bunch of celery pieces.
All in all a very good, pleasantly filled, fibery sort of day.