Rock Paper Scissors

That’s the title of the exhibit that opens on Friday, March 12 at the Oxford Community Art Center in Oxford, OH. Moya Jones and I are exhibiting our fiber art there through April 3. Opening reception is Friday, March 12, 6-8pm.

We hung the show on Monday without too much difficulty. Some of the work just begged to be shown next to each other!  Here’s how the first wall looked as we worked: "Rock Paper Scissors" at Oxford Community Art Center

It was funny how we thought of each other’s work: I figured Moya would have lots of color in her quilts (which she does!) and she figured I would be fairly neutral in color (which is true for the most part). What we both didn’t realize is that we each are starting to move in the opposite color direction!

Moya has some lovely rust dyeing work that is full of rich browns and greys/blacks. And I have some recycled paper/book work that is fairly bursting with all sorts of color. So our work really melds together well.

I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy the show – look forward to seeing you on Friday!

One more….

… post about the Prayer Flags for Life installation  – and that is to link to a short video my personal resident videographer put up about the piece.  I also added it on the sidebar so it wouldn’t get lost amongst the blog posts.

He did a great job!

More pics and process

Thank you, all, for your generous comments on the prayer flag installation! It feels good to have it up!

More pics can now be seen on my flickr site in the set called ‘silk prayer flags XU 2010’.  Dave was so very kind to do a lot of the documenting during the installation. I kept meaning to take pictures while I worked at home, but didn’t manage to remember until I was almost done with the rinsing and assembling.(Thank you, Dianne, for your tips on ironing a multitude of silk scarves!)

The space I used to mud the scarves held 6 at a time – that was all I could see at any point. Yes, I was good and started with a cartoon of the design, but you know how lines change as you work so the cartoon wasn’t very reliable. Each scarf needed to connect, design-wise, with the ones on each side (30 across) as well as top and bottom (4 rows). I also wanted to be sure that the design flowed well from the center in each direction when the panels crossed. THAT part was a bit challenging to accomplish, but I think it worked. A little hard to tell until the static electricity settles out.

Jack shored up my installation ideas during many a dinner, and later, conversation.  Paul was invaluable for his construction expertise. Kitty, Barbara, Moya, Paula and Charlotte were wonderful in making sure it all worked smoothly – especially my tangled monofilament! And Dave had such a good time that he said to let him know when I install my next piece – he’ll recruit some of his friends to help!

Everyone is invited to the opening reception of the Weavers Guild of Greater Cincinnati’s exhibit, Sunday, January 24 at 2-4pm, Gallagher Student Center, Xavier University. Hope to see you there!

Now, on to the next project!

Today’s color is ORANGE!

As in Osage Orange. Trees. The long line of which front our property along the road. Which have been regularly cut over the years on the yard side due to the power lines that go through them. Leaving the road side of the trees top heavy.  Which tends to lean the trees in that direction. And causes scary thoughts of the trees toppling over into the road on top of someone. (We did have one pull out of the ground several years ago – not a pretty site.)

Today those scary thoughts have stopped – we had a tree trimmer come in and take care of the road side of the trees. All nicely trimmed up. There will actually be sunshine on that section of road this summer!

And the best part of the whole process is that I now have a bag of ground up osage orange limbs. Out of which I have culled the yellow and orange bits from the inner part of the trees. To be soaked for a lovely dye. (The other mangled bits will also get soaked but I don’t expect as much color from them.) Which my love just shakes his head about.