Dyeing continues…

After the weekend Natural Dyeing workshop that I held here at my home, I saved the pots of water that were used for dyeing with copper, iron and aluminum. There is always some color floating around in a pot after its been used and I figured I would re-use it to take advantage of the first dyeings.

The aluminum was nice, but OH BOY! I feel like I hit the jackpot with the iron pot!

nat dyed silk scarves

The silk scarves just burst with color from two different eucalyptus leaves, avocado pit and skins, blueberries and lots of onion skins both yellow and red. I know they will lighten as they dry and some of the dyestuffs are still stuck to the silk, but they look gorgeous!



nat dyed papers

Even some papers came out lovely!  Over the weekend we didn’t see much color from the Eucalyptus rudis (long leaf), but this potful must’ve been just right.

The grey on both silk and paper is from the re-used iron water.


I’ve got the copper pot simmering right now in hopes of a similar jackpot!

Maple a dud, dyebath a winner!

Well, spring maple leaves do NOT have the dyeing power that fall ones have.  In fact, they have next to nothing in them to give color.

Rather, I should say, I could not get any color out of  the spring leaves!

BUT, the dye bath itself was one that I was reusing and had lots of good color in it along with some rusty nails, so the refolding of the jacket I was trying to dye created some glorious new ‘wrapped shibori’ marks from where the cloth was newly open to the ambient ‘juice’. The jacket is still damp and hasn’t been washed yet, but I expect I’ll keep a lot of the new marks which blend nicely with the original dyeing that I did last year on it. Hope the owner likes it!

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In the news!

I’m thrilled with the article in today’s paper concerning the Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen member exhibit at the Carnegie Art Center in Covington, KY.

Thanks, Jackie, for the great write-up and Liz, for the cool pictures!!

It’s October already!

I’m finding it hard to believe how much time has elapsed since my last post here! About the only thing that remains of the summer are the bug bites that still itch.


Lots has happened including a new grandson!  Sebastian John is already two weeks old and growing!  Such a cutie, but then I’m his grandmother – I’m supposed to say things like that.


I’ve been involved for the past 6 months with a yarn bombing movement in the Cincinnati area – check out BombShells of Cincinnati to see our handiwork!  (We are also on Face Book if you want to friend us.) What was originally intended as a one project adventure now seems to be turning into a small art company!  Keep tabs on us to see what we are up to next.


More immediate is some teaching this coming weekend in NY for the Eastern Great Lakes Fiber Conference. And then on to getting some work accomplished to be ready for three – count ’em – THREE! back-to-back fiber sales in November.


Add in some local basketry and book making classes and I’ll be keeping busy for the next couple months!  Hopefully that won’t keep me away from this blog to much.  Hoping to be more consistent with my presence.


Thanks for patiently waiting.  Hope your summer went well!


I know I should be finishing the last three weeks of my trip to PNG and OZ – all the pics are up but they need words to make them understandable.  I’ve lost the momentum at the moment as it has shifted to other more pressing things. Like…

…remembering all those who serve and have served in our country’s armed forces – this is Memorial Day weekend here in the US.

…cleaning up after our recent spate of storms. Nothing serious here, just lots of tree debris.

…making plans for a small papermaking gathering here in June.

…writing two articles with deadlines in the next two days.

…making sufficient samples for one of the articles.

…nailing down all the necessary aspects of a teen/river art project.

…working up plans for a community art project.

…hosting and attending various family functions and gatherings – all good fun ones. And setting up future ones.

…giving two presentations on my OZ/PNG trip.

…giving a mudcloth for quilters presentation – which got chased into the church basement due to a nearby tornado.

…quilting some of my mudcloth to use as samples at the above mentioned presentation – which I then forgot to take along!

…making plans for a couple possible trips.

…finalizing various teaching plans for the rest of the year.

…getting excited about the upcoming births of our first two grandchildren!


I promise, there WILL be final reporting on my two weeks in PNG plus the last week in Australia at the Orange Forum.  Just not promising exactly when….