Getting over my jet lag – I think! Not sleeping through the night yet, but I think I will tonight.
Yesterday we did a short drive through the Dandenong Mountains, including the Sherbrooke Forest. Really lovely with huge mountain ash eucalypts and big tree ferns, very lush and tropical looking. Switchback roads.
We visited an exhibit of ‘tapestry’ work by a number of local communities – they created panels showing various important landmarks and buildings from their communities using a wide variety of fiber techniques – embroidery, cross stitch, quilting, freeform stitch, etc. Quite impressive.
Today we visited the McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery. The Gallery had a super exhibit of prominent Australian artists. Some paintings, some dot work, some line work (Aboriginal), some fantastic rusty metal work. The outdoor sculptures ranged from huge metal work to small figures to recycled materials. They were placed around the grounds and in the bush so wondrously – it was like going on a scavenger hunt to find them all.
One piece was a ‘house’ – you walked into a pitch black space and then saw the ‘stars’ in the ceiling. One was a HUMONGOUS beetle. One was delicate looking ‘wing’ that turned with the slightest of breezes in unexpected directions. I’m forgetting a lot, but will have pictures to show of most of them.
The days and nights have been warm and humid, which I am told is unusual – at least the humidity is unusual. We didn’t have any rain today (thunderstorm yesterday) but did see some streams still high and a field or two still under water.
Waiting for a delicious smelling curry to cook for dinner. And then to get ready for teaching tomorrow’s workshop for the Basketmakers of Victoria.
ED.: pics now available from the above excursions.
So thrilled to hear about your trip, vicariously! I have always wanted to go to this part of the world… Thanks for the ringside seat. Can’t wait for the photos.
So glad you’re blogging and sharing the adventures of this trip! Can’t wait for pictures!
I’m glad you are following, Gin. Might be a while before pics show up, but they are being taken!