Day One cont.

Well, we didn’t make it to the party. The father of the xylophone player died and they are having a funeral instead. So, change of plans.

Went to the Women and Children’s Bogolan Workshop. WOW! Good stuff! Interesting set up. They are geared towqrd production work qnd use stencils for their pqtterns. They qlso do indigo dying qnd pqpermqking. Some lovely pqpers. CB got the chqnce to sit down qt the fly shuttle loom qnd do some weaving.

Just finished q lovely lunch qt the hotel – qn aspic with vqrious vegetqbles qnd caramelized onions on top. Very interesting trying to figure out what to eqt zhen it is qll in french.

I think we will be going to a bogolqn qrtist’s studio this qfternoon.

My bqd on the roads – there is more thqn one pqved roqd in the city – not many, but more thqn one. We drove over q river or lqke – not sure which – where there were vegetqble fields on the bqnks qnd fishers in the wqter.

Sorry qbout qll the Qs – the q is where the a should be qnd I get tired of correcting it!

Off for the next qdventure.

Day One

Bamako, Mali is sprawling, warm (but a dry heat) and dusty. One major paved road running through it.

The group split up yesterday with some going to the markets and the rest of us to visit a friend of Ginger who is building a cultural center to bring in people from around the world to learn from Mali masters.


Today we head bqck to the culturql center for q pqrty! They promise music qnd dqncing qnd food qll dqy long. Will report tomorrow.

Made It!

Just a quick note to say WE MADE IT!  LOOOOONGG trip but safe. Dealing with a keyboard where some of the letters are mixed around and off to see an artist compound. It is fabulous just to be here.

Twas neat to fly over the lit cities of Merricash last night and to see Cassablanca in the distance, along with Gibralter.

Stories later. Everyone is well.

…GO! and GONE!!!

Whew! The last big thing to do before leaving – getting flights in place for when I teach for FTWG in March – has been accomplished.

The bags are packed. The appointment with the tax guy has been set. The emails notes have been sent. The autoresponder is almost in place.

Need a quick trip to the bank (again!) and maybe a quick look over in JoAnn’s for #7 circular non-metal needles (the project I want to work on during the flights needs that size and I only have one metal circular #7), a shower, a bit of lunch (cottage cheese and my anti-malarial pill along with it), and…. I think that does it!

I will most likely forget something, but at this point, it can’t possibly be important.

Someone recently commented about the 1,000 stories I will have to tell from this experience. I hope the getting ready counts as part of the stories. 🙂 Only 999 more to go!

I’m off! (Friends have been saying that for years.) Catch me back here, hopefully in a couple days, to find out what Mali and the trip is like!

Ready, Set……

Oh, HURRAY! It got cold! I was so afraid that the temperatures would remain mild here while I’m in Africa – I want to know that I am basking in warmth instead of having my nose nipped with the cold. Now I can go with confidence. 🙂

My list got some check marks today: made the “portable pocket”, copied the necessary documents, washed the mudded bandannas that I want to take.

A last minute potential catastrophe has been averted. I wound up needing to get a new printer/toner cartridge to finish off the last of the documents I wanted to take with me. Didn’t take the old one along to the store, silly me! The young geek assured me of the model I needed, which absolutely did not fit when I got it home. So, a trip back to the store this evening with my love to make sure I got the correct cartridge.

The piles still aren’t in the bags yet, but they are much more organized, or at least I am thinking they are. And I have until 4pm to be ready to roll. What else am I going to do tomorrow?!?!? Other than start the knitting project I want to take along so security won’t be inclined to ban my needles, send out travel announcements to friends, initiate an auto-responder for my email, finish up the cottage cheese so it doesn’t grow things in the fridge while I’m gone, set up an appointment with my tax guy for when I get home, maybe change the sheets on the bed and do a load of laundry,…